
Property Type Required Default Description
typeName String Yes null Defines the collection where the script should update the nodes
sourceField String Yes null Defines the graphql field which contains the remote image url
targetField String Yes null Defines the field name which will be generated.
The field is from Type Image or [Images] in case the source field is not a string.
targetPath String No src/assets/remoteImages Defines the target directory for the downloaded images.
If you set ./src/assets/remoteImages, it will save the images to <projectroot>/src/assets/remoteImages/
cache Boolean No true Defines whether images will be cached.
Setting this to false will force re-download of all images.
original Boolean No false Defines whether to use the original image path as the file path.
Setting this to true will save images in a folder structure the same as the image URL - will be saved as /<target path>/some/image/path.jpg.
forceHttps Boolean No true Defines whether to replace "http" scheme in the remote image url with "https".
Setting this to false will download images without a secure connection (except if the url scheme is already https).
defaultProtocol String No http: Defines the default protocol if normalizeUrl is set to true.
normalizeUrl Boolean No true Prepend defaultProtocol to the URL if it's protocol-relative.
forceHttps Boolean No true Defines whether to replace "http" scheme in the remote image url with "https".
Setting this to false will download images without a secure connection (except if the url scheme is already https).
downloadFromLocalNetwork Boolean No false Defines whether images with a local remote image url (e.g. private ip address or localhost) are ignored.
Setting this to true will download images from the local network.
schemaType String No null Defines the targetField as type Image when value is set to 'Image'.
This is ignored if the source field is not a string.

It's currently not possible to use ~ or @.